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high guys, great work on this site. perhabs we can make something together? check our side and give us a feedback :) best wishes from germany tobi

Sunday, 05 November 2006
I Love House Music!!! Well Done for your site... Keep On!!! ;-)

Monday, 23 October 2006
Mike, Again, you are one of a few that keeps their site current. Continue to keep up the good work for your many fans like me. I'm a 45yr old house head from way back in the NYC/Newark, NJ dayz. Anymore old school mixes comming up?? Keep the mixes commining!! Much blessings!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Sunday, 22 October 2006
Hi from Funky suffolk. Keep doin what ur doin. Peace out Little Stevie

Monday, 09 October 2006
Can't get enough of your sounds. I’m pumping it right now at work. Keep it up. Your hard work is much appreciated.

Wednesday, 27 September 2006
disclosure project
hi there A message from a small uk dance label below: We have a REMIX of XPRESS 2 - Kill 100 available to preorder only till 23rd september. You can get yourself a listen to the remix on our myspace page and if you wish to buy a copy for yourself click the banner below and grab it for 99pence All the best and if you support the remix, thank you ever so much

Thursday, 21 September 2006
Just droppin in for a peak = ] jd

Tuesday, 05 September 2006
Ja. Streeter
I just found this site out from DJ RayBone here in Detroit! So glad to connect. Doing an Inter-Net show on did radio mostly now this venture and it's sweet. Been testing to perfect it all. I need a list and some old and new music. Much is out there and some of what I heard these last four years has got me realizing how much I've love where house has taken over from Disco. Be on the lookout for a resurging of LJ Johnson with 24 hours a Day, from the Destination is Love of LJ Johnson's Greatest Hits. Smoothe, cut and blended just right. You might want to give it more Acid Jazz zig! Hit me up soon will want to interview asap on the happenings! Music is Sweeter with Streeter.

Sunday, 03 September 2006
Hi Michael, Just wanted to say that you mixes are really good ;-) . I like your staff. I'm a deep house addict and, I found your site from an advert on Let me know if one day you plan to mix in France. keep on going !!!! Peace

Thursday, 31 August 2006
dj kev foushee
fisrt how are you doing ? we never meet but i been checking out your site for a few years now and i love it. so i just wanted to introduce myself to you bro and to tell you that you have a great site . :D :D

Wednesday, 09 August 2006
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