Spirit of House Guestbook
Post Message
DJ Bassi
Its really nice to see a really heartfelt and passionate site dedicated to house music, Keep it up. Collective creative for all to enjoy! Keep up the good work! Good road with you Michael Fossati ;-)
Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Michael you are the best !!!
Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Michael, Just wanted to thank you for all the great sounds. Couldn't make it through the day without this...... M~~~~ :D :D :D
Thursday, 26 January 2006
Frank Fischer
Hallo Michael, hast Du Dich jetzt doch verkauft? Beste Grüße, Frank
Monday, 23 January 2006
Rick Felix
Keep up the great work. I love the site and what you are doing to keep Deep & soulful house alive. Peace http://www.centralrhythm.com
Sunday, 22 January 2006
Dan Bray
Hey Michael, I love this website - Your passion for the music is so obvious, and that is great to see. I have to also thank you for introducing me to 'Foremost Poets - Besides Myself' which was, for me, the best tune of 2005. Keep it up, Fossati! Peace Dan
Thursday, 19 January 2006
George Novak
Dear Michael! Before the year 2005 turns to an end - amazing it`s already 10 years since Michael`s "deliver me" - i want to THANK YOU honestly and deeply for your DEVOTION and hard WORK as musiclover and tunedigger. It´s one thing to check a couple of websites for reviews and charts to find tunes BUT what YOU DO here online/offline consistently for several years now is what really separates you from many of us in terms of focus and really puts you on another level. I urge you to keep on doing what you´re doing as long as you can hear because it WILL PAY OFF for YOU! (even more :-) ) QUALITY lasts. YOU bring musiclovers QUALITY and musiclovers DO - WILL - MUST appreciate your work. Music makes me feel. Emotions make me human. Thank you Michael
Wednesday, 28 December 2005
Markus from The Soulpreachers
Yo - keep up the good work! :cool: All the best, Markus
Tuesday, 27 December 2005
grazie Michael!!!! we are glad to stay on your playlist vins spellband :D
Sunday, 25 December 2005
Finally another Classics Mix!!!! This was the best christmas gift ever!! Thank you Michael. Enjoy your holiday. Best wishes for the new year!!
Sunday, 25 December 2005
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